Designing and printing books with creative and knowledgable content with brainstorming exercises
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Established in Meerut, we Shreekaar Books International, are one of the leading publisher and suppliers of premium quality books for pre-primary and primary levels.
we are a highly reliable and reputed organisation engaged in the provision of a vast array of children books. These have been developed by our team of expert after throughresearch on various aspects. Our series “Grace” is launched to cater to the pre-primary section of students with colorful and vibrant graphics
It includes student engaging activities so as to meet the primary understanding needs of a child. Our Books have become even more engaging and interactive with in chapter animated tutorials. “We are always working to give you the best of books” Authors & Editors, Designers & Animators, Printers & Binders.
we are always busy to provide you the best of study material, Books and Animations.
Will get you in touch with the excessive and interesting facts and content